Went to the beach with Jenna. We definetly picked the wrong day to go because the weather was horrible. It was cold, cloudy and windy. Couln't tan or go in the water. Besides the bad weather I had a great time. We chatted, played cards and built a sand castle.
Today, I went to see the Mama Mia musical with my friends. Before the musical we had brunch. At brunch, I had eggs benedict. They were not that good because the eggs were very overcooked. We finished lunch just in time to make it to the theatre because we had to pick up the tickets just in time. Once we had our tickets and made it into the theatre we had to go up so many flights of stairs to the top because we were in the gallery. The seats were all the way in the back of the theatre but the view was very good because we were sitting in the middle of the section. The actors were incredible their singing and dancing had me in awe. I wanted to sing along. At the end of the show, they did a medley of all the Mama Mia songs, and it was so much fun! I wish I could've taken a picture of it.
thank you to sadgrl.online for the